2024 Board of Directors



  • Proposal to approve the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year 2024 and the second quarter of 2023 has been approved.
  • Proposal to the capital increase of common stocks transferred from the 1th Domestic Unsecured Convertible Bond has been approved.
  • The donation to the " Criminal Investigation and Prevention Association R.O.C” has been approved.
  • Amendment of the company's " Audit Committee Charter” has been approved.
  • Change of the personnel responsible for reviewing audit reports within the company's auditing unit has been approved.
  • The company's "2023 Sustainability Report" has been approved.
  • The conditions for renewal of credit limits and changes to the terms have been approved.



  • The distribution of cash dividends to shareholders of our company and the suspension period for 1st domestic unsecured convertible bonds conversion has been approved.
  • The conditions for renewal of credit limits、secured loans limit have been approved.



  • Proposal for regarding the promotion and salary increase for executives has been approved.
  • Proposal for the distribution of employee compensation for executives has been approved.
  • Proposal to approve the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year 2024 and the first quarter of 2023 has been approved.
  • Proposal for credit limit renewal has been approved.



  • Allocation of employee compensation and director remuneration for the year 2023 has been approved.
  • Proposal for the 2023 Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements and Individual Financial Statements of our company has been approved.
  • Proposal for profit distribution for the year 2023 of our company has been approved.
  • Discussion on the assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control system and the internal control statement for the year 2023 has been approved.
  • Proposal for amending the "Articles of Incorporation" of our company has been approved.
  • Change the CPAs,and assessing the independence and suitability of the signing CPAs has been approved.
  • CPA audit fees for 2024 has been approved.
  • Proposed donation to the " The Third Special Police Association " case has been approved.
  • Proposal for release of Non-competition Restrictions for Directors has been approved.
  • Proposal for renewal of the Company’s “Corporate Governance Manager” has been approved.
  • 2024 Annual Shareholders' Meeting date and agenda has been approved.
  • Proposal for credit limit renewal has been approved.



  • The resolution regarding the year-end bonus compensation for executives in the year 2023 has been approved.
  • Budget plan for the year 2024 of our company has been approved.
  • Proposed resolution to seek the approval of the Board of Directors to authorize the Chairman to execute matters related to the renewal of the credit line for financing transactions with our company's affiliated banks has been approved.
  • Proposal for credit limit renewal has been approved.