2022 Board of Directors



  • The amendment to the "Internal Significant Information Processing Procedures" of our company has been approved.
  • The addition of long-term secured loans and the renewal of credit limits have been approved.



  • The approval of the fiscal year 2022 and third quarter 2021 consolidated financial statements of our company has been granted.
  • The approval of the "2023 Audit Plan" of our company has been granted.
  • The amendment to the "2022 Audit Plan" of our company has been approved.
  • The subscription to the cash capital increase of Mercuries Life Insurance Co., Ltd. for the year 2022 has been approved.
  • The renewal of the "Directors, Supervisors, and Managers' Liability Insurance" for the year 2023 has been approved.
  • The proposal to donate to the "Taiwan Masters Golf Promotion Foundation" has been approved.
  • The renewal of credit limits has been approved.



  • The promotion and salary review of managerial staff have been approved.
  • The addition of a committee member to the 5th Compensation Committee has been approved.
  • The approval of the fiscal year 2022 and second quarter 2021 consolidated financial statements of our company has been granted.
  • The approval of CPA audit fees.
  • The increase and renewal of credit limits for loans have been approved.



  • The proposal to purchase real estate has been approved.
  • The decision to engage in trading of derivative financial instruments has been approved.
  • The distribution of cash dividends to shareholders of our company has been approved.
  • The appointment of the 5th Compensation Committee has been approved.
  • The increase and renewal of credit limits for loans have been approved.



  • The election of the 16th Chairman of our company has been approved.



  • The proposal to re-establish the "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings" of the company has been approved.
  • The date and agenda for the 2022 Shareholders' Meeting have been approved, with modifications to the discussion items.
  • The amendment to the "Corporate Governance Best Practices" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Internal Handling Procedures for Significant Information" of the company has been approved.
  • The establishment of the "Audit Committee Charter" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Internal Control System" (including each cycle) and "Internal Audit Implementation Rules" (including each cycle) of the company has been approved.
  • The donation to the "Criminal Investigation and Prevention Association of the Republic of China" has been approved.
  • The addition and renewal of credit limits have been approved.



  • The proposal to amend the organizational regulations of the Compensation Committee has been approved.
  • The allocation of employee remuneration and director's remuneration for the fiscal year 2021 has been approved.
  • The annual business report, consolidated financial statements, and individual financial statements for the fiscal year 2021 have been approved.
  • The distribution of profits for the fiscal year 2021 has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Articles of Incorporation" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Rules and Procedures for the Election of Directors and Supervisors" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Rules of Procedures for Shareholders' Meetings" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Operating Procedures for Funds Lending to Others" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Operating Procedures for Endorsements and Guarantees" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Asset Acquisition or Disposal Procedures" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Code of Conduct for Integrity   Management" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Code of Conduct and Behavior Guidelines for Integrity Management Operations" of the company has been approved.
  • The amendment to the "Board of Directors Meeting Rules" of the company has been approved.
  • The election of the 16th Directors (including Independent Directors) of the company and the acceptance of related nomination matters have been approved.
  • The nomination of candidates for the 16th Directors (including Independent Directors) by the Board of Directors has been approved.
  • The removal of restrictions on competitive activities for newly appointed Directors and their Representatives has been approved.
  • The date and agenda for the 2022th Shareholders' Meeting have been approved.
  • The investment plan in Mainland China has been approved.
  • The discussion on the 2021th annual internal control statement and the effectiveness assessment of the internal control system has been approved.
  • The addition of long-term secured loans and the addition and renewal of credit limits have been approved.



  • The resolution regarding the year-end bonus and salary review for managers in the 2021 fiscal year has been approved.
  • The annual budget for the year 2022 has been approved.
  • The assessment of the independent and qualified nature of the auditor has been passed.
  • The proposal to seek the approval of the directors to authorize the Chairman to proceed with the renewal of the financing credit limit with the company's associated bank has been approved.
  • The proposal for the addition and renewal of credit limits has been approved.
  • The donation to the "Security Police Third Corps Police Club of the Police Friendship Association of the Republic of China" has been approved.