
On July 3, 2020, our board of directors approved the "Board Performance Evaluation Methods." According to these methods, an internal performance evaluation should be conducted annually, and the evaluation results should be completed and submitted to the board before the end of March of the following year. And such evaluation shall be conducted by an external independent professional institution or a panel of external experts and scholars at least once every three year.

Rules for Performance Evaluation of Board of Directors.pdf

The Board of Directors Evaluation Report:

  1. The Board of Directors Evaluation and Implementation:
    Evaluation cycle Evaluation period Scope of evaluation Method of evaluation Evaluation content
    Once a year execution/performed annually. 2022.01.01- 2022.12.31 Board of Directors. Internal self-assessment of the Board of Directors.
    1. Level of involvement in company operations.
    2. Enhancing the decision-making quality of the Board of Directors.
    3. Composition and structure of the Board of Directors.
    4. Appointment and ongoing education of directors.
    5. Internal controls.
    2022.01.01- 2022.12.31 Individual board members. Self-assessment of board members.
    1. Understanding of company goals and missions.
    2. Awareness of director responsibilities.
    3. Level of participation in company operations.
    4. Internal relationship management and communication.
    5. Professionalism and ongoing education of directors.
    6. Internal controls.

  2. The self-assessment results for the "Board of Directors" and "Directors/Members" of our company for the fiscal year 2022 were rated as "Excellent" or above, with no significant improvement areas identified. The evaluation results have been submitted to the 16th 6th Board of Directors meeting held on January 17, 2023.